Archive for beta

Renew your extensions as your purchases fuel our bootstrapped business and plugin development

We’ve been hard at work on new features and major extension updates to the Easy Property Listings suite of plugins.

This adventure has been rewarding and taking the challenge to create the best real estate plugin for WordPress websites has been a huge learning experience.

Easy Property Listings is now used on over 5,000 websites world wide and is the highest rated real estate plugin on the plugin directory.

We are really proud to provide such feature rich plugins that are easy to use by developers and real estate staff.

Just visit your account to renew your licenses to get the latest updates.

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The poo has hit the fan, we’ve made it, but there are more roadblocks on the road to Easy Property Listings 3.1

Thus far EPL has been a huge investment now well over $180 $240k and are expanding the team as planned but have hit several recent and massive roadblocks on the way. We are doing our absolute best to deliver the best real estate software for WordPress for you to use.

This week we are a team member down as Avneet’s mother is facing an operation and to me family is most important. The team here at Easy Property Listings wish her mum all the best facing this challenge and needs the support of her wonderful daughter and this short break will help her be there for her mum.

I’d drop everything to be there for my mum too and value the team like my own family, we will get through the bumps and continue on our planned path.

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Easy Property Listings 2.2 has been a challenge to complete but nearing release

For the last month since releasing 2.1.11 we have been hard at work on the next release 2.2 which has significant improvements for theme compatibility which has been a major task to complete. This will enable all themes to work with Easy Property Listings in a much easier way.

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Download Easy Property Listings

Easy Property Listings is real estate plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create real estate and property listing websites. It provides a range of features designed for real estate agents, developers, and agencies to manage property listings without the need for extensive custom development.