Archive for Advanced Map

Renew your extensions as your purchases fuel our bootstrapped business and plugin development

We’ve been hard at work on new features and major extension updates to the Easy Property Listings suite of plugins.

This adventure has been rewarding and taking the challenge to create the best real estate plugin for WordPress websites has been a huge learning experience.

Easy Property Listings is now used on over 5,000 websites world wide and is the highest rated real estate plugin on the plugin directory.

We are really proud to provide such feature rich plugins that are easy to use by developers and real estate staff.

Just visit your account to renew your licenses to get the latest updates.

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Major release of Advanced Maps 2.2

We are pleased to announce the latest update to Advanced Map extension which has several improvements to tab specifications along with integration with Snazzy Maps that allow you to style your maps with ease.

Styling your maps can really enhance your website design branding and its really easy, select the style you want, copy the code from Snazzy Maps and save. All your maps will have the new style applied.

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Major Update to Advanced Map extension released 2.0.1

We managed to release the much awaited Advanced Mapping add-on which has a number of really excellent usability tools added in the new 2.0 version. When enabled your visitors can select from different display tabs.

Maps now have tabbed options showing satellite, transit, bike and comparable tab. Add the shortcode in your posts and pages and select your shortcode options much more easily with the pop-over options.

Users can now select satellite and street view the listings which looks really great combined with the new tabs showing bike routes, transport maps and comparable listings. Once critical issues have been corrected we will be able to work on videos showcasing the new features in more detail.

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Download Easy Property Listings

Easy Property Listings is real estate plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create real estate and property listing websites. It provides a range of features designed for real estate agents, developers, and agencies to manage property listings without the need for extensive custom development.