The poo has hit the fan, we’ve made it, but there are more roadblocks on the road to Easy Property Listings 3.1

Thus far EPL has been a huge investment now well over $180 $240k and are expanding the team as planned but have hit several recent and massive roadblocks on the way. We are doing our absolute best to deliver the best real estate software for WordPress for you to use.

This week we are a team member down as Avneet’s mother is facing an operation and to me family is most important. The team here at Easy Property Listings wish her mum all the best facing this challenge and needs the support of her wonderful daughter and this short break will help her be there for her mum.

I’d drop everything to be there for my mum too and value the team like my own family, we will get through the bumps and continue on our planned path.

To make the challenge even more difficult, the woman in my life is also facing a surgery on the 1st of August. After the lazy hospital system decided to let us know last minute the true cost of what we are facing.

We have private health insurance to assist with however the total cost/worst case scenario is bonkers… So Tuesday I will be seeking alternative solutions to find a way to cover this out of the blue costs that we had no time to prepare for.

There is no way we are putting this off as she has been waiting since Feb 2016 with referrals, scans, appointments… the list goes on and on.

Shit happens, bring it on Merv is here and my family is #1, team #2 and you are customers number #3. Long and late nights ahead, but we will get through this and do our best to not disappoint you, however may have to.

Growing the team with a manager dedicated to support and software development

Before these last minute oh poo things, we have been interviewing our next full time team member here and have found the right man for the job. He will be starting with us in the next 4-6 weeks and he will be dedicated to support and making sure that we grow the team before the shit hits the fan… again.

We realised this about 12 days ago and issued a blanket notice to all active support tickets in the system as we want to make sure that you know what is going on.

The last time we pressed the emergency button was 20th November 2015 so growing pains in business are also expected but we want you to know that you, a valued customer are very, very important to us and where we are going.

The notice issued on July 15th was:

Really sorry for not getting to your support request yet.

Recent accelerated growth we have experienced here at Easy Property Listings you have experienced a less that optimal resolution of your support ticket request.

We are now able to add another member to the team who will be dedicated to ensuring that we can keep providing superior support services to resolve your ticket.

So we can efficiently get through the huge number of recent requests and if you have a time critical project and need a solution within the next 7 days please complete this form if you are in a hurry.

Indicate support ticket priority

If you can wait, take no action we anticipate solving your issue in the 7-12 days.

Thanks for your patience during this period

Now if you have a support issue, make sure you still submit your issue as usual as we have worked very hard to clear as many tickets as we could and thankfully are back to a manageable level now. Whew 🙂

Help Scout has been an amazing improvement over the forum and allowed us to proved a much better service.

Help Scout has been an amazing improvement over the old support forum and allowed us to provide better ticket resolutions and service.

Extension update and new exciting partnership

Over the past few months we have not only been working on 3.1 of Easy Property Listings but we have made significant updates to all the extensions and have a dozen more ready for beta testing.

With this new partnership in place we will be able to laser focus our support and upgrade all software at a faster pace. Really excited to have them help us deliver even better products.

Beta testing program in the works so you can help

This has also made me realise that beta testing updates and new extensions takes time and with so many different themes to test with and various plugins you use we feel the time is just about right to ask you for a bit of help.

We aren’t quite ready to execute this as we want to make it easy for you to help, provide feedback and let you get your hands on the coolest tools first.

Make sure you subscribe and get a heads up about this direction.

Big thanks to our friends over at Soflyy the creators of WP All Import Pro

As busy as we are we are 100% sure the Soflyy team are in as deep as we are and am so very proud that they have featured the Easy Property Listings Import Add-on on their site. I had tears of joy when they let me know they published it.

Very happy, over the moon as having quality back-links from awesome websites like WP All Import Pro is like gold.

Add-Ons_-_WP_All_Import - Easy Property Listings

We so admire the team there as they modified WP All Import Pro to make our Importer Add-On possible to be the fastest importer able to handle massive listing imports with ease.

In closing

We have an extra busy week ahead and am looking forward to facing new challenges and am staying focused on our goals. Not sure which road we are going to take but know exactly where we are going.

Last Thursday I personally faced my own challenge and stepped so far out of my comfort zone I can’t see it and decided to try this vlogging on YouTube. So far its not only been fun but personally rewarding to get the ideas out of my head and my hope is to help others.

I’m still figuring out how to best do this and my most recent video was more focused on a specific topic. With a bit of time and practice I hope to help you in your business, startup, marketing, real estate, WordPress and a wide range of topics beyond the usual screen capture videos i’ve done.

We’ve also landed in our new offices right smack in the middle of the Perth CBD at 191 St Georges Terrace, Perth and am so excited despite the recent setbacks.

Expect setbacks, they are part of life, stay true to your goals as they help keep you focused no matter the crap that life gives you.


  1. Agree with Karen completely. I’ll be keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. The work you are doing is awesome and leadership you are providing to your colleagues is even more awesome!

    • Thanks David and Karen for your prayers, it worked.

      Last Thursday I walked into the Medibank office and met a woman called Jane, broke down and told her the problems we were facing. She provided me a plan on what to do.

      Dropped off the paperwork from the doctors yesterday and prayed. Then 2pm yesterday after Toni was on hold for 53min they said yes, we will cover your operation.

      Toni called me and I broke down in the street with uncontrollable emotions of joy, I can make a difference.

      Decided to call Jane to thank her, and her phone was busy. So I walked from 191 St Georges Tce to ~55, saw an orchid and a pot, bought a card as wrote my thanks to her as I knew I could not be able to say thanks as the emotions would take over.

      Thanks Medibank for helping us, and coming through for us when we need you most.

      Now that is solved I can get back on track with EPL and our customers, Toni has an operation on Monday and and as usual I’,m confident Toni will be fine.

      We are fortunate its not the big C but still something that needs to go. She is my rock and I’ll drop everything for her, there is only one Toni.

      Thanks again David and Karen for your prayers and thoughts and will keep you updated.

  2. Thank you so much Merv 🙂
    Everything went well and my mum is recovering fast 🙂
    Thanks again for being such a support 🙂
    Not to forget Prince 🙂 thanks to him he is a saviour! Feel proud to be part of EPL 🙂
    One of the best things that ever happened to me 😉

    • Such wonderful news Avneet with your mum, family comes first and we are always here for you. And what you do for our customers here at Easy Property Listings is incredible, Prince and I feel better each day because we have you on our team. Take care of your mum, we will see you next week.

    • And you are an amazing and smart woman Avneet, because when our customers say this.

      Hi Avneet and Merv,

      Thank you for all your work on these two sites and all the extra time you put it to ensure it looked and functioned perfectly – best service I’ve experienced in a long time! – Alana – BVN Creative

      I know that you are the right person on our team and i’ll move heaven and earth for my family and team. See you next week.

  3. Just do, don’t look back and believe that yes you can make a change even if its small, I did and we can now move onto the next road block.

    Video of sticking to my goals, Thanks Medibank for coming through for us.

    Toni was on hold for 47min and fortunately she didn’t hang up. We got exactly what I strived for and believed would come true.

    Be there for those you love, they cannot be replaced. Things can be replaced, the important people in your life cannot.

    Easy Property Listings has been a dream.

    Believe in your dream with your heart and soul, just believe in yourself and be patient.

    Don’t listen to others who want to hold you back, turn away from those who will hold you back.

    Help others see that perhaps their perspective can be helped by you and share how you feel with others. Try to help them, if they don’t want to be helped or aren’t ready, get the hell out of there and find people who support you.

    Do what you want to do and believe in.

    Others don’t understand or know where you have been and what you have done. That is okay, they aren’t ready but don’t let them hold you back.

    Find the rock in your life, the women who help the cave man achieve my your goals and keep you on the right path.

    My mum always said You can do whatever you want to do, just do it”.

  4. Toni is booked in for her operation today so i’ll be based at the hospital with my mac, the team is back today and are both focused on resolving all support tickets so we can move onto Easy Property Listings 3.1 and release all the cool things we have been working on. Thanks for your understanding during this mini crisis.

  5. All unresolved support tickets have received this message —

    We’ve been through trying times and today is the final step in clearing this roadblock to move forward. My partner Toni is being admitted to hospital this morning and I will be working remotely from the hospital today.

    Her operation has been an unexpected challenge to the business and team and we have let you down and are sorry for that, however family comes first as they are not replaceable and supporting her during this is my priority.

    I expect everything to go fine and with no complications which means Toni should be back home and recovering from this Wednesday and my home office is ready for work.

    The team is back today after Avneet looked after her mother last week and thankfully her mum is fine and she is back today to work through resolving support tickets with Prince who had a pre-planned holiday booked and he really needed it.

    You can read the latest blog post about what we have been going through here.

    So we have thankfully cleared the backlog we experienced a few weeks ago but as more people are using Easy Property Listings and with a team and family roadblocks we have been doing the best that we can.

    I’ve also been expressing myself a bit through a new medium for me using YouTube as we haven’t been able to write as often as we would like to let you know what is happening. You can listen to me ramble, give advice and work through this challenge here.

    I have big plans for where we are taking Easy Property Listings and helping you as a WordPress developer or real estate agent move forward.

    Thanks for your patience, our customers are the most important people in our business to us right after family and the team. Have a wonderful day and please think of Toni your positive energy will help.

  6. Dear Merv,

    I’m sorry, I could read this just today. I’m sending the best vibrations from Porto Alegre to your family. Your work is beautiful and awesome, I’m very glad to get envolved with EPL and know a little bit about you.

    I’d like to help you not only with the current work, but I’m sure I can help you with EPL support, specially in Please, write to me when you think it is time. I’d like to work with you.

    All the best!

    Muita saúde para vocês!

    Um abraço!

  7. Thanks everyone for supporting Toni through this medical procedure.

    She is doing great a little sore and on the mend. The St John of God hospital run a tight ship and she is and has been In good hand.

    They checked on her every 2 hours throughout the night and is doing well. She can update you with details and is expected to be discharged on Thursday.

    Thanks for your support if anything it helped me get through this as much as her

    • Toni is home now a day early recovering from her operation and is doing very well, now I can look after her and get beck to what we love. She is a bell ring away and I can also get back to focusing on the support tickets with the team and our real estate software for WordPress websites. Thanks for your patience during this trying time, and your continued support has been incredible with best wishes for her, thank you 🙂

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Easy Property Listings is real estate plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create real estate and property listing websites. It provides a range of features designed for real estate agents, developers, and agencies to manage property listings without the need for extensive custom development.