Leaving the past behind and making sure we can do the best for you moving forward

We have been through some troubles lately which started a few months ago when my partner Toni went under an operation and as she needed to be looked after brought the beginning of our support and product development delays.

Being the rock that I am tend to keep my emotions internalised in order to giver her the necessary strength and confidence that all would be okay left me deeply effected with her operation and set me mentally back and in the wrong head space.

Broken hand and mentally drained

mervs-broken-right-handThis ended with me having a broken right hand which made typing impossible, even using a mouse was terribly difficult and frustrating to not be able to support our customers as we have done since launch with Easy Property Listings in 2014.

Troubles escalated with me mentally drained plus support pressures along with a hand in a cast combined with some lengthly projects, the work just kept piling on.

First time attending WordCamp Sydney 2016

meetup-sydney-university-of-technology-wordcamp-sydney-2016-utsMonths prior to Toni’s operation we had booked a business trip and much needed holiday to Sydney where we were excited to attend our first ever WordCamp Sydney 2016 which was needed especially with me the business leader in a negative mental state.

We pressed onto Sydney and are grateful to have participated in such a fantastic event and met so many great WordPress people from all over the country are privileged to be part of this fantastic community of supportive people.

Taking part in a once in a lifetime experience with Microsoft Xbox

Thankfully as we were in Sydney and my evening mental exercise is often booting up my Xbox One console ended up being in the right place at the right time to have a once in a lifetime chance to attend #XboxFanFest 2016 with the Microsoft Xbox team.

This greatly helped me bring positiveness into what we are doing with Easy Property Listings and allowed me to remove a lot of the negatives that have been so prominent after a very busy year filled with difficult personal and business challenges.

We were lucky enough to have attended this wonderful Xbox event and met some very big people like Phil Spencer the head of Xbox, Chris Munson the organiser of #XboxFanFest world wide and the man in charge of The Coalition who worked on making sure Gears of War 4 was going to be a continued success.

Feeling refreshed and planning Easy Property Listings future

After exploring the beautiful city of Sydney, meeting our business partners in Parramatta, attending WordCamp Sydney 2016 and shuttled everywhere with Microsoft Xbox my mind was clear and planning the Easy Property Listings future firmly implanted in my head, we returned to Perth.

Moving home is challenging even when prepared

One last mess to sort out before the new beginning was to move our house which we pre packed before we left as we headed to East Perth to be closer to the CBD and offices. Moving is more difficult than planned even with a pre packed house…

Also on our arrival had an appointment with the Plastics Clinic at Royal Perth Hospital for a checkup on my casted hand.

Finally my fingers are free to type and code!

This is the first time I’ve had a major fracture in my body and let me tell you, it’s terrible especially with my dominant right hand in an unused state. Not recommended at all at my age of 38. You live and learn from mistakes and this is one that I will not wish on another to happen.

Now back we have been catching up and re-structuring the team, adding an operations manager in Toni and working to leave the difficult past behind us.

Challenges come from any direction and when least expected

We have stumbled and our customers have been the unfortunate casualty during this time and we are deeply sorry for what has happened. We are now working on correcting this massive mishap and doing what we can to ensure that we don’t get knocked back so hard and leave you without prompt and efficient support.

Life always finds a way to hit us when we least expect it to, and I’m thankful for the difficult experiences as it has taught me how to grow and hope for the best, and always plan for the worst.

Thanks for your continued support and using Easy Property Listings.


  1. Welcome back and great to see you refocused! Look forward to having our long standing issues resolved, Please let Evan our programmer know when you can. All the best.

  2. Life serves you with some unexpected experiences, these are lessons to make us grow stronger and wiser. I am sorry to hear of your unfortunate events, but being the person you are will give you the strength to become even stronger and wiser – ready for the better challenges ahead.

    Welcome back….we are looking forward to hearing some great stuff from you in the future.

    • Really needed the break after being hit with so many challenges. There are sure to be more challenges in the future as there always is and being prepared to take them head on and keep pressing forward. We are looking forward to bringing more tools to you

  3. HI Merv,

    It takes some courage not only to deal with all of this,
    but also to put it out there for everyone to read too.

    I hope your recovery continues to go well and you are back to your good self soon.
    I really like your product and look forward to seeing in it action!

    Best wishes,
    Peter McNougher

    • Thanks Peter, being transparent and open is really the best way and difficult to do especially for me as i’ve been the quiet one keeping to myself. Hand recovery is going very well thankfully not too much damage and have full range of motion now whew, need to take it easy on the hand for another week or so before getting back to strength training the physio tells me.

      Missing doing regular pull-ups but will get back to physical training once the hand is ready and am looking forward to it.

  4. Glad to hear you’re on the mend, I wondered what had happened to you. With such long delays between emails I had almost given up.

    Hopefully we can now resolve my outstanding issue too

    Thanks in advance for your help so far.


    • Thanks Tom, getting back on track and support is back to full strength as I can type again! Had a look at the support system and we replied on the 14th October to your only active ticket. Please let us know via support what we missed. Thanks

  5. Great to have you back Merv and that Wordcamp was such a success! I´ve been as well but in Sevilla Spain, and loved it. Off to WebSummit in Lisbon Portugal in Nov!
    Looking forward to cranking EPL up to its largest scale soon!

  6. Hi Merv,

    Sorry to hear about your life events and hope you both all the best.

    I see you are from Perth, I growed up in Morley many a year ago and now in Karratha for last 28 yrs.

    I have a question, is you plugin able to allow self loading of content and it awaits aproval from my end.

    I want to use a plugin for boat hire/charter

    Please feel free to contact me via email ozdownunder@iinet.net.au

    Regards Terry

    • Thanks Terry, its been a challenging year 2016 and am looking forward as always and being positive with everything. We have plans for other post types like boats/cars etc and are working on extension updates prior to releasing new extensions.

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Easy Property Listings is real estate plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create real estate and property listing websites. It provides a range of features designed for real estate agents, developers, and agencies to manage property listings without the need for extensive custom development.