Archive for maintenance

Easy Property Listings 3.2 Major Release

Today we are pleased to announce the official release of Easy Property Listings 3.2 which has improves many internal functions and features. These changes will allow us to expand the feature set with additional features  and new extensions at a faster pace for your real estate website.

Major milestone

After releasing Easy Property Listings to the real estate and WordPress developer communities in July 2014. There are now over 7,000 WordPress websites that rely on Easy Property Listings to find buyers, sellers, tenants and landlords and display listings around the world.

We are really happy with the growth and community feedback, so thank you!

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Lots of under the hood changes made to Easy Property Listings since releasing 3.1

Over the past few months we have been pushing out mini updates to Easy Property Listings adding a lot of under the hood changes and features since releasing 3.1 on November 2016.

These improvements have been from our community of users and we can’t thank you enough for letting us know what needs adjusting to suit your real estate market. With now over 5,000 active WordPress websites using Easy Property Listings to display property and rentals around the world, the feedback has been fantastic and helps us make changes to the plugin and extensions that you are looking for.

A lot of improvements have come from working on Advanced Development projects (our per hour service) that we offer to developers and users to make Easy Property Listings work for you. Perhaps you love design, need something customised, or are strapped for time, we can help.

If you need something done, hop over to the Advanced Development to order custom work or contact us and supply details of what you need so we can help. * Special wholesale rates are available to the WordPress website developers. 

Read on to see the full change log.

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The poo has hit the fan, we’ve made it, but there are more roadblocks on the road to Easy Property Listings 3.1

Thus far EPL has been a huge investment now well over $180 $240k and are expanding the team as planned but have hit several recent and massive roadblocks on the way. We are doing our absolute best to deliver the best real estate software for WordPress for you to use.

This week we are a team member down as Avneet’s mother is facing an operation and to me family is most important. The team here at Easy Property Listings wish her mum all the best facing this challenge and needs the support of her wonderful daughter and this short break will help her be there for her mum.

I’d drop everything to be there for my mum too and value the team like my own family, we will get through the bumps and continue on our planned path.

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Easy Property Listings 2.3.1 Maintenance Release

After a great break away from our desks we have returned refreshed and ready for the next phase of development of the best real estate plugin for WordPress. Well we think its the best 🙂

This release has corrected the commercial pricing search issue and we have also added category searching to the commercial, rental, rural, land, business and commercial_land post types. Included in this maintenance release is a new hidden image mod time field that will help optimise image importing with our importing extension for WP All Import Pro that we are working on. We also corrected the custom POA label issue that were pointed out to us in this release.

Your feedback is critical to the growth and improvements to Easy Property Listings, we love the feedback and value your input so please let us know your issues by opening a support ticket.

We love feedback good and bad, if you have a minute leave a review.

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Easy Property Listings 2.2.3 Maintenance Release

  • Tweak: Adjusted new sorter function to work on lower than PHP version 5.3.
  • Tweak: Moved old template functions to theme compatibility, will be removed in future version.
  • Tweak: Set sorter list style to none to prevent some themes from displaying a list bullet.

Easy Property Listings 2.2.2 Maintenance Release

  • Tweak: CSS tweak for image size to retain proportion on certain themes.
  • Tweak: Adjusted position of show/hide suburb on Commercial/Business listing types.
  • Fix: Archive image correctly loading 300×200 image.
  • Fix: Listing address display settings fixed.

Easy Property Listings 2.2.1 Maintenance Release

  • Tweak: Set padding for search tabs for better display on some themes.
  • Fix: Search function fix checking for empty option when using custom filters.

Download Easy Property Listings

Easy Property Listings is real estate plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create real estate and property listing websites. It provides a range of features designed for real estate agents, developers, and agencies to manage property listings without the need for extensive custom development.