Over the past few months we have been pushing out mini updates to Easy Property Listings adding a lot of under the hood changes and features since releasing 3.1 on November 2016.
These improvements have been from our community of users and we can’t thank you enough for letting us know what needs adjusting to suit your real estate market. With now over 5,000 active WordPress websites using Easy Property Listings to display property and rentals around the world, the feedback has been fantastic and helps us make changes to the plugin and extensions that you are looking for.
A lot of improvements have come from working on Advanced Development projects (our per hour service) that we offer to developers and users to make Easy Property Listings work for you. Perhaps you love design, need something customised, or are strapped for time, we can help.
If you need something done, hop over to the Advanced Development to order custom work or contact us and supply details of what you need so we can help. * Special wholesale rates are available to the WordPress website developers.
Read on to see the full change log.
Full Change Log since Easy Property Listings 3.1 release
3.1.12 April 27, 2017
- New: Filter epl_property_land_area_unit_label for Land Unit Label Filter.
- New: Filter epl_property_building_area_unit_label for Building Unit Label Filter.
- New: Filter epl_the_property_feature_list_before before the features list.
- New: Filter epl_the_property_feature_list_before_common_features before the common features list.
- New: Filter epl_the_property_feature_list_before_additional_features before the additional features list.
- New: Filter epl_the_property_feature_list_after for after the output of the features list.
- Tweak: Property, Rural, Commercial Category output to secondary heading.
- Tweak: Altered land sqm output to m2.
- Tweak: Shortcode [listing_auction] now only displays auction listings.
- Fix: Property Category now outputs to feature list.
- Fix: Rural Category now outputs to feature list.
- Fix: Commercial Category now outputs to feature list.
- Fix: Empty Commercial Features heading no longer outputs heading if values are empty.
- Fix: Empty Rural Features heading no longer outputs heading if values are empty.
3.1.11 April 6, 2017
- Fix: Property ID search in admin.
- New: Brazilian Portuguese Translation thanks to Dijo.
- New: Added epl_button_target_floorplan filter.
3.1.10 March 27, 2017
- New: Filter added epl_ical_args for iCal output.
- Tweak: Ability to search by property ID when managing listings from the Dashboard.
- Tweak: Added Sortable column Unique ID.
3.1.9 March 23, 2017
- Tweak: Allowed Authors and Contributors to access help screens.
3.1.8 March 22, 2017
- Fix: Corrected Listing not found filters used in archive templates with a new epl_property_search_not_found hook.
- Tweak: Translations updated.
3.1.7 March 22, 2017
- New: Added epl_template_class to templates and added its context for Listing Templates extension.
- New: Auction Date processing function for import scripts.
- New: REAXML convert date/time to adjust for timezone for import scripts.
- Tweak: Wording for delete settings adjusted to reflect radio option.
- Fix: Corrected missing Property Features title and filter.
3.1.6 March 10, 2017
- New: Hierarchical Features Taxonomy EPL_FEATURES_HIERARCHICAL Constant.
- New: Filter for Commercial For Sale and Lease label epl_commercial_for_sale_and_lease_label when both option selected.
- New: Added filters for shortcodes to adjust no results messages. Filters epl_shortcode_results_message_title_open for [listing_open] shortcode and epl_shortcode_results_message_title for all other shortcodes.
- Tweak: Additional case values for importing additional features now accepts YES, yes, Y, y, on, NO, no, N, n, off.
- New: Common features filter epl_property_common_features_list added.
- Tweak: Corrected spelling of meta box group ids for commercial_features and files_n_links.
- Tweak: Author widget will no longer display if hide author box on a listing is ticked.
- Tweak: Filter for epl template class.
- Fix: Commercial listing lease price text display when both option selected.
- Fix: Property Features title filter epl_property_sub_title_property_features enabling title modification.
- Fix: Post type archive called incorrectly in some cases.
- Fix: PHP 7.1 support.
- Fix: Class adjustment for taxonomy search.
3.1.5 January 18, 2017
- New: Added a Google Maps API key notification to Easy Property Listings > Settings when no key is set.
- Tweak: Internal shortcode option documentation.
- Fix: Shortcode offset feature breaking pagination. Note when using offset, pagination is disabled: [listing] , [listing_category], [listing_feature], [listing_location]
- Fix: Corrected the default option when using select fields.
3.1.4 January 16, 2017
- New: Added offset option to the following shortcodes that allows you to place multiple shortcodes on a single page and prevent displaying duplicate listings. Added to the following shortcodes: [listing] , [listing_category], [listing_feature], [listing_location]
- Tweak: Optimisations to secondary author display by removing duplicate code.
- Tweak: Improvements to extension license updater and notifications on license status.
- Tweak: Performance improvements to admin functions.
- Tweak: Translations adjustment to load textdomain after all plugins initialised.
3.1.3 January 3, 2017
- Fix: Contact linking when editing listings with invalid contact ID.
- Fix: Shortcode sorting for Current/Sold.
- Fix: Commercial Lease price display.
- Tweak: Output Ensuite to features list.
3.1.2 December 13, 2016
- Fix: Corrected the address display of the Commercial and Business listing types.
- Fix: Extension updater class to provide automatic updates.
- Tweak: Visiting the plugins page now caches plugin updates.
3.1.1 December 6, 2016
- Fix: [listing] shortcode with author option correctly filters by username.
- Fix: Listing search undefined result when using custom search options.