Easy Property Listings 3.2 Major Release

Today we are pleased to announce the official release of Easy Property Listings 3.2 which has improves many internal functions and features. These changes will allow us to expand the feature set with additional features  and new extensions at a faster pace for your real estate website.

Major milestone

After releasing Easy Property Listings to the real estate and WordPress developer communities in July 2014. There are now over 7,000 WordPress websites that rely on Easy Property Listings to find buyers, sellers, tenants and landlords and display listings around the world.

We are really happy with the growth and community feedback, so thank you!

Search Enhancements

This release contains many additional filters that allow searching specifying multiple post types.

Customisable Author Template

Moved the author box code template out of a function so that the main tab of the author box can be customised using the template loading system from your theme.

SVG Icons

Added support for SVG icons for listings and social media icons. This allows for easier styling of the icon’s colours, size and as they are SVG the quality is always perfect. You can also completely replaced them with your own custom SVG using a filter.


We’ve made a major structural change to the code to allow for easier translating of the core plugin by the translation community. What we did was remove a amount of code that was not necessary for translators to translate in order for the key systems to display correctly in a variety of languages.

The meta-boxes code is now loaded on both the frontend and backend of the site in a streamlined way with minimal impact to performance yet allows translators to correctly translate the various fields that are displayed on your listings.

There was a function called get_additional_features_html which actually converted the meta field name into the display… great for English but impossible to translate and we are pleased to have solved this major issue so that Easy Property Listings can be translated into more languages for use around the world in all real estate markets.

Translation strings have been reduced from over 1,800 to just over 1,100 strings.

Full Change Log

  • New: Refactored meta-boxes to allow for better translations of additional features options on frontend.
  • New: Search fields allow for placeholder to be defined for each search field.
  • New: Ability to sort be featured image in the dashboard when managing listings allowing user to sort columns by listings without a featured image set.
  • New: Search by listing features now possible when using EPL – Listing Search widget or [listing_search] shortcode.
  • New: Placeholders set for Land Min Area and Max Area.
  • New: Adjustments to taxonomy searching allowing search of features and locations or additional custom taxonomies.
  • New: Removed changelog entries from plugin core files to greatly reduce translation requirements for plugin and translation will be far easier for translators now.
  • New: Change log items are parsed from readme.txt file which removes the need to translate over 700 change log entries.
  • New: Added a new CSS class epl-property-features to the listing features column.
  • New: Searching by features taxonomy now possible with [listing_search] shortcode and EPL – Listing Search widget.
  • New: Search Query Filter epl_search_query_pre_parse allows altering of query after its ready to be processed. I.e. after query is setup but before parsing it.
  • New: Search Query Filter epl_search_get_data allows filtering of $_GET & $_POST data which is fed to epl search class.
  • New: Search Query Filter epl_search_post_data allows filtering of $_GET & $_POST data which is fed to epl search class.
  • New: Search Query Filter epl_preprocess_search_tax_query filter to alter taxonomy query.
  • New: Search results template filter epl_common_search_template allowing using an alternative template for search results.
  • New: Filter for epl_get_unique_post_meta_values to adjust data parsing.
  • New: Selection to set default country for map coordinate generation when adding listings.
  • New: Implementation to support beta releases of extensions, enabled when EPL_BETA_VERSIONS is true.
  • New: Added additional filters for epl_author_mobile, epl_author_id, epl_author_slogan, epl_author_position, epl_author_name and epl_author_contact_form.
  • New: Implemented support for energy rating value on listings as it is mandatory in some regions. New meta field is property_energy_rating.
  • New: Added Energy Certificate link to listings which allows for an image upload and button output. Field is property_energy_certificate.
  • New: Ability to display offmarket and withdrawn listings on archive pages through the epl_hide_listing_statuses filter.
  • New: Migrated Author details tab into a new template file content-author-box-tab-details.php that can be overridden in active_theme/easypropertylistings folder which enables easier editing of the details tab contents.
  • New: Filters added for listing admin columns allowing other plugins to hook in correctly to listing dashboard columns and display additional info like Yoast SEO, Post Counter and many other WordPress plugins: epl_post_type_business_admin_columns, epl_post_type_commercial_admin_columns, epl_post_type_commercial_land_admin_columns, epl_post_type_land_admin_columns, epl_post_type_property_admin_columns, epl_post_type_rental_admin_columns, epl_post_type_rural_admin_columns.
  • New: Implemented a filter epl_common_search_template to allow altering of search results template. Default is archive-listing.php and can be overridden by creating a search-listing.php or by post type search-{post_type_name}.php.
  • New: Ability to search for primary listing agent when adding a listing, secondary agent already has this functionallity.
  • New: Added additional options to the image functions which allow disabling of the image links to epl_property_featured_image, epl_property_archive_featured_image, epl_property_widgets_featured_image.
  • New: Added options for SVG icons for listing icons and author social icons. Enable from Settings.
  • New: SVG assets added using inline allowing for icon styling using CSS.
  • New: Implemented filters to replace or add additional SVG icons Filters are epl_svg_icons and epl_svg_social_icons.
  • New: Enhanced author class with additional get variables to return the formatted value without html content.
  • New: Added options to return text values to each of the get_property functions. Allowing return of a text result instead of a formatted list item.
  • New: Filters added to adjust the return format of each get_property function: epl_get_property_year_built_return_type, epl_get_property_bedrooms_return_type, epl_get_property_bathrooms_return_type, epl_get_property_rooms_return_type, epl_get_property_parking_spaces_return_type, epl_get_property_garage_return_type, epl_get_property_carport_return_type, epl_get_property_air_conditioning_return_type, epl_get_property_pool_return_type, epl_get_property_security_system_return_type, epl_get_property_new_construction_return_type, epl_get_property_holiday_rental_return_type.
  • New: Added functions for get_property_furnished and get_property_holiday_rental.
  • New: House Category now displays in admin column for quick identification of the listing type.
  • Tweak: Removed screenshots to reduce plugin size.
  • Tweak: Removed Whats New page descriptions to significantly reduce translation requirements for translators.
  • Tweak: Admin Getting Started CSS enhancements.
  • Tweak: Adjustment to the handling of the primary and secondary listing agents on listings. When a primary agent details are entered this will be the listing agent displayed. If the primary agent for a listing is not set then the Author will be the primary agent displayed.
  • Tweak: Added option to use a seperate template for search results.
  • Tweak: Corrected building size css class name from land-size to building-size.
  • Tweak: Extension updater class cache improvements implemented.
  • Tweak: Updates to licensing system to support beta releases of extension versions.
  • Tweak: Class check to ensure that the EPL_Author_Meta is already defined, class will not load in error.
  • Tweak: Field type checkbox_single altered so that the label is not displayed twice when adding a custom field.
  • Tweak: Altered the plugin loading order for better WPML support.
  • Tweak: Better support to search multiple post types.
  • Tweak: Search better supports multiple post types in an array: epl_get_unique_post_meta_values(‘property_bedroom’,’current’, array(‘property’,’rental’) ).
  • Tweak: Sorting option better allows sorting options based on post types by passing post type.
  • Tweak: Contact form CSS added for better formatting.
  • Tweak: Adjusted admin images padding.
  • Tweak: Added date picker to Listed Date and Commercial End Lease date fields.
  • Fix: Translations added for Admin on commercial listings (Return, Outgoings, Lease End )
  • Fix: Sorting by rental price corrected in admin for Rental listings.
  • Fix: Land details missing on Commercial Land listing type.
  • Fix: Select form render multiple selections for search.
  • Fix: Price bar graph in admin when no price set.
  • Fix: Translation issues for search drop downs.
  • Fix: Location taxonomy search redirection.
  • Fix: Sorting by Unique ID in Dashboard manage listings.
  • Fix: Carport label filter name corrected to epl_get_property_carport_label.
  • Fix: Added land size to commercial land.

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Download Easy Property Listings

Easy Property Listings is real estate plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create real estate and property listing websites. It provides a range of features designed for real estate agents, developers, and agencies to manage property listings without the need for extensive custom development.