Easy Property Listings 3.3 is a major release with a huge number of new features for your real estate website. Whether you are a developer helping clients or you manage your site yourself, these features will help you showcase your listings.
Standout Upgrades
- Gutenberg enabled with REST API.
- Price slider search and major search upgrades.
- New super awesome [listing_advanced] shortcode.
- Re-created Social icons and several others.
- Agent profile links for Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.
- Minified code with production and development mode.
- Listing administration screens slimmed.
- Set listings as featured even with imports.
- Tools to import and export settings.
- Unified search.
- So much more.
Gutenberg Support
Now that WordPress Gutenberg has been out and compatibility issues solved with the core WordPress team, we have enabled Gutenberg as default for Easy Property Listings. This also enables the REST API for all the custom post types.
Prefer classic WordPress? We have you covered. If you have the Classic Editor WordPress plugin installed and activated your listing entry screens will revert to the classic WordPress experience.
Grid Mode and Enhanced CSS Styles
Major changes to underlying front end CSS is always a challenge. We know a large number of Easy Property Listings developers have applied a considerable amount of customisations to the default look and feel of the plugin. This is exactly what we hoped would happen and have seen some stunning examples.
Saying this we understand that making wide sweeping changes can have unintended consequences to your site. We do not want that to happen to you. So we have added an option to enable Enhanced CSS from the Advanced Settings page.
One of the changes this applies to is the grid mode view of your listings. Structurally this converts a float left block into an inline block for better wrapping of listings in grid mode and prevents white space appearing if your listings are not the exact same size.
If you install Easy Property Listings fresh this option will be automatically enabled, however if you are upgrading to 3.3 you will need to manually enable the option in the Advanced Settings and check that your customisations still work.
A lot of work has gone into the Enhanced CSS that will be documented in the codex as there are a number of new classes that allow you to customise templates faster.
Improvements for Everyone
Listing Entry
This release contains a number of improvements to the listing entry screens to trim them down in size significantly which should aid you with listing entry. We have also optimised the experience if you are using classic WordPress or Gutenberg.
New Social Icons
Social profile icons has been altered to a more modern flat style that can be easily customised with CSS when using SVG versions or modify the PNG file. Any existing customisations are preserved.
Unified price and listing type search is now possible. The result URL now only contains the options selected and you will also find a price slider solution.
Production and Development Mode
Optomising your sites performance and keeping it running as fast possible has been a key cornerstone in development of Easy Property Listings since the beginning. We are further enhancing this with a production and development mode option that will use minified JS and CSS files. This is enabled by default and can be easily disabled from the Advanced Settings of Easy Property Listings.
WordPress Developers
Import and Export Settings
Now you can visit the Tools page and export your settings and import them into another project. This also exports and imports your extension settings.
Shortcodes Updates
Often you want to easily set the default sort of your shortcodes to feature current listings first. Well now you can with the sortby=status option.
Code Upgrades
There have been major code upgrades applied across a large number of funcations and features in the plugin, improving extensibility, performance and ease of use.
Full Change Log
- New: Gutenberg support along with the REST WordPress API. Using the WordPress classic plugin will disable Gutenberg and Easy Property Listings or define constants.
- New: Shortcode [listing_advanced] that is a super powered shortcode with a million possible filters possible.
- New: Shortcode [listing_element] for use with page builder systems to output variables, meta fields, action hooks, excerpt, onto templates.
- New: Re-created Social SVG and PNG Icons.
- New: Production/Development mode option to enable or disable minimised CSS and JS files.
- New: Enhanced CSS implemented to enable better listing grid wrapping along with a large number of helper classes to construct custom templates for listings. Enabled on new installations. When upgrading the enhanced CSS is disabled. Enable and disable from Advanced Settings.
- New: Tools page holding Import and Export options along with the Upgrade screen.
- New: Export Easy Property Listings settings and import them into another site on the Tools page.
- New: Shortcodes [listing], [listing_category] and [listing_advanced] all support agent option for filtering by either primary or secondary agents.
- New: Shortcodes now support default sorting by status with the sortby=status option.
- New: Search results URL will now only contain commands that are being searched, making the URL a whole lot shorter.
- New: Upgrade notice that will copy the listing pricing for all listing types into a unified price search.
- New: Unified price search slider usable in the EPL – Listing Search widget and [listing_search] shortcode.
- New: Able to add a functions.php, functions-single.php and functions-archive.php files to the active_child_theme/easypropertylistings where you can store code and filter customisations.
- New: Able to add style-single.css and style-archive.css to the active_child_theme/easypropertylistings where you can store CSS customisations along with the already implemented style.css file.
- New: Implemented a Featured listing system that will allow you to set your listings as featured from the listing administration page. With the update to the EPL Importer add-on listings that you mark as featured will stay featured when updated from external sources.
- New: Major tweaks to the custom fields screens allowing for a smaller data entry screen when adding your listing details.
- New: Contacts now allow you to bulk select and delete contacts.
- New: Contacts summary search.
- New: Contact widget now has a hidden field to prevent bots from entering form details.
- New: Contact shortcode renamed to [listing_contact] instead of [epl_contact_form]. Retained old shortcode name for backward compatibility.
- New: EPL – Contact form completely re-built with better handling of success and error messages to the user.
- New: Added a notice to the frontend explaining where the map should go when a Google Maps API key is not set and re-built the JS to avoid any issues when the API key is not added.
- New: Easier to add additional custom stickers to listings with the epl_property_stickers hook.
- New: Address function for use in custom templates epl_the_address, epl_get_the_address.
- New: Status functions for use in custom templates epl_the_status, epl_get_the_status.
- New: Under Offer functions for use in custom templates epl_the_under_offer, epl_get_the_under_offer.
- New: Enabled Mini Website URL meta field as a number of REAXML providers are now using 3D Tours along with support for custom button titles.
- New: Able to configure sorting dropdown as tabs.
- New: EPL – Author widget supports single or multiple users with user searching capabilities. Allowing you to use the widget and set a specific agent or WordPress user.
- New: Floorplan uploader now support a custom label added to the listing entry screen. Label filter is still in place.
- New: External Links now 3 are now supported with a custom label. Label filter is still in place.
- New: Mini Website URL, 2 are supported with a custom label. Label filter is still in place.
- New: Energy Certificate supports a custom label. Label filter is still in place.
- New: Map Icon with filter for customising.
- New: Listing Map Icon for when the location is not exact, IE when the user selects to not display the full address.
- New: Users profiles now have Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube links and social icons added.
- New: Pets icons and function to handle output with the get_property_pets function.
- New: Rebuilt several functions which now allow for greater filtered output. Rebuilt functions are: get_property_year_built, get_property_bed, get_property_bath, get_property_rooms, get_property_parking, get_property_garage, get_property_carport, get_property_air_conditioning, get_property_pool, get_property_security_system, get_property_land_value, get_property_building_area_value, get_property_energy_rating, get_property_new_construction, get_property_holiday_rental, get_property_furnished. (New Functions) get_property_pets, get_property_featured.
- New: Rental Leased Date custom field.
- New: Ability to apply multiple templates using the epl_property_single_default filter to the single listing template loading queue.
- New: Ability to apply multiple templates using the epl_property_blog_template filter to the loop listing template loading queue.
- New: Specify the default return type of the property listing icons. Basically using the epl_icons_return_type filter you can force all icons to output text instead of an icon. Or configure a completely custom output.
- New: Improvements to video link handling with YouTube and Vimeo support.
- New: Video hook implemented into templates. Before we were using the epl_property_content_after hook where we have now added a better named epl_property_video action hook.
- New: Random sorting option added to [listing_category], [listing].
- New: Search by linked contacts — search_linked_contact.
- New: YouTube User Profile link.
- New: Office Phone added to user profile and outputs on author profile and widget.
- New: Default and custom classes added to meta field generator used in admin edit listing screens.
- New: Added Portugal Portuguese language partial translation by Fábio Nunes.
- New: Disable REST support and Gutenberg by defining new constants for taxonomies. EPL_BUSINESS_CAT_DISABLE_REST, EPL_FEATURES_DISABLE_REST, EPL_LOCATION_DISABLE_REST.
- New: Pakistani Rupee currency.
- New: Better support for hidden admin custom fields.
- Tweak: Filters to alter the default Mobile and Office labels epl_author_widget_label_office, epl_author_widget_label_mobile.
- Tweak: Custom classes in admin screens added to some meta fields for example usage.
- Tweak: Dashboard activity widget improved CSS display with icons denoting comment type.
- Tweak: Rebuilt JS validation engine to better handle numeric numbers and the date system to optimise and streamline listing entry.
- Tweak: Rebuilt mapping JS to avoid issues with websites missing Google Maps API keys.
- Tweak: Moved several old functions to compatibility functions for future removal. Functions moved are epl_the_property_address, epl_display_label_postcode, epl_display_label_bond, epl_display_label_suburb.
- Tweak: Inspection times function altered to allow disabling of iCal function.
- Tweak: Added additional inspection time filters which allow you to filter the label further in templates where needed.
- Tweak: Auction get_property_auction function greatly improved with better date formatting for different country formats.
- Tweak: Property Available get_property_available function greatly improved with better date formatting for different country formats.
- Tweak: Improvements to search and global price search slider options now available.
- Tweak: Parse EPL shortcodes for meta queries improved.
- Tweak: Completely re-worked the icons system for listings which makes it easier to customise with hooks and filters and add additional icons and adjust the order.
- Tweak: Reworked the Additional features output allowing further control over output of features along with adjusting the order and output style. Use the epl_property_general_features_list filter to alter the order and what is included. Also add your own customised feature list output with the dynamic epl_property_general_feature_{new_one} filter.
- Tweak: Total rebuild of the sorting and tools code allowing additional tools to be hooked in and rework the existing tools.
- Tweak: Code optimisations of gallery functions.
- Tweak: Widget templates to handle the Inspection time and iCal options.
- Tweak: Selecting secondary agents works better now on the edit listing pages.
- Tweak: epl_property_widget Options for Inspection times and iCal links to EPL – Listing Widget.
- Tweak: Acre to Acres tweak – Implement formatting for measurements.
- Tweak: Pagination and multiple shortcodes on the same page working correctly.
- Tweak: Removed Google Plus from Users as it no longer exists.
- Tweak: Removed redundant before and after hooks on the manage listing screens.
- Tweak: All shortcodes now include a filter to alter the default options. epl_shortcode_listing_auction_args, epl_shortcode_listing_category_args, epl_shortcode_listing_open_args, epl_shortcode_listing_feature_args, epl_shortcode_listing_location_args, epl_shortcode_listing_args.
- Tweak: Replaced grid/list icon with a better quality one.
- Tweak: Replaced all internal icons.
- Tweak: Several older functions moved to depreciated functions for future removal.
- Tweak: Converted floorplan button into button element instead of link with button styling. This makes all buttons consistent.
- Tweak: When using custom image sizes we’ve improved the admin image sizes to not exceed the column sizes when managing listings from the dashboard.
- Tweak: Floorplan opens link in another window by default to match other buttons.
- Tweak: Contacts system better displays contact information. IE hiding empty fields when nothing is set.
- Tweak: Default sorting is now using the hidden and automatically generated property_price_global value which allows sorting taxonomy filtered listings.
- Tweak: Custom taxonomy features now output a class to the list item for css targeting.
- Fix: SVG Listing icons filter epl_svg_icons corrected and will now correctly load customised SVG icons.
- Fix: SVG Social icons filter epl_svg_social_icons corrected and will now correctly load customised SVG icons.
- Fix: Archive image hook epl_property_archive_featured_image third option for link now working.
- Fix: Widget image hook epl_property_widgets_featured_image third option for link now working.
- Fix: Images no longer overlap in admin when the image filter is used to alter the default image sizes.
- Fix: [listing_auction] shortcode now correctly lists set auctions.
- Fix: [listing_open] shortcode now correctly lists listings that have an inspection set.
- Fix: Home Open label improved as sometimes empty data is imported and the label appears where it should not.
- Fix: [listing_search] enabling the multiple select option now works better.
- Fix: Several typcasting fixes to various functions to prevent any issues with data that is not entirely empty.
- Fix: Features list output class name fix for bathrooms, building size and furnished.
- Fix: Improvements to compatibility mode that prevents YoastSEO outputting multiple times on the page. This will also correct any other plugins with a similar issue.
- Fix: Adding of contacts with no summary is now possible.
- Fix: When checkbox option defaults were set to on user was unable to save option, corrected the behaviour.