Archive for features

Major Release with Huge Improvements Easy Property Listings 3.3 Out Now!

Easy Property Listings 3.3 is a major release with a huge number of new features for your real estate website. Whether you are a developer helping clients or you manage your site yourself, these features will help you showcase your listings.

Standout Upgrades

  • Gutenberg enabled with REST API.
  • Price slider search and major search upgrades.
  • New super awesome [listing_advanced] shortcode.
  • Re-created Social icons and several others.
  • Agent profile links for Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.
  • Minified code with production and development mode.
  • Listing administration screens slimmed.
  • Set listings as featured even with imports.
  • Tools to import and export settings.
  • Unified search.
  • So much more.

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Download Easy Property Listings

Easy Property Listings is real estate plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create real estate and property listing websites. It provides a range of features designed for real estate agents, developers, and agencies to manage property listings without the need for extensive custom development.