Archive for wordpress slider

Sliders Extension 2.0 Major update out now

Sliders is one of our essential extensions that truly sets Easy Property Listings apart. It is what makes it possible for so many great real estate websites to quickly and easily display listing galleries that show off the best pictures of your properties.

Today, we’re thrilled to announce the release of version 2.0 of Sliders, an update that makes dramatic improvements throughout the entire plugin.

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Sliders 1.1 Released

We have made a number of improvements to the Sliders extension which now allow you to adjust the order of your images when editing a listing.

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Download Easy Property Listings

Easy Property Listings is real estate plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create real estate and property listing websites. It provides a range of features designed for real estate agents, developers, and agencies to manage property listings without the need for extensive custom development.