2Apply powered by Inspect Real Estate now supported in the IRE extension

We are pleased to announce the release of the Inspect Real Estate extension version 2.5 now supporting the 2Apply rental application system created by the team over at Inspect Real Estate. This tool is needed now more than ever with the changes we are all facing in the face of the coronavirus.

2Apply Button

The extension will allow you to add a customisable Apply button to your listings which will take the rental applicant to the 2Apply website which allow potential tenants to apply for your rentals online. The applicants details will be added to your Inspect Real Estate account.

2Apply Page

Book Inspection Popout Lightbox example

The extension now includes a Lightbox option for the Book Inspection button where the form is displayed on top of your listing page instead of in a new tab. There are 5 Lightbox themes to choose from.

Full Change Log

  • New: Apply button option that can be enabled for the Inspect Real Estate 2Apply feature. This will display an Apply button on rental listings.
  • New: Display the book inspection page in a popout Lightbox on top of the listing with 5 themes to select from.
  • New: Reordered the settings and added links to documentation and better internal instructions.
  • New: Refactored the buttons from from input into buttons to bring in more consistency with other Easy Property Listings buttons used on listings.
  • New: Several filters added.

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Easy Property Listings is real estate plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create real estate and property listing websites. It provides a range of features designed for real estate agents, developers, and agencies to manage property listings without the need for extensive custom development.