After several months of strenuous testing using multiple server environments and running a lot of FeedSync 3.4 builds on production real estate websites FeedSync is finally ready for official release.
Whats New
Extensive changes to the internal database structure which offers better encoding, enhanced server compatibility, PHP 7.4, faster data processing and enables us to implement new features moving forward.
- Replaced several server reliant functions with internal versions.
- Improvements to logging and defaults log increased.
- Geocoding functions improved and better messaging.
- Minor 3.4.1 release to allow 3.4 builds to update.
- Enhancements to missing data from some providers allowing better imports.
- Better timezone support to convert time on the fly.
- Major improvements to the encoding (converting strange characters).
- Review the fill change log below.
We will follow this release shortly with a 3.4.1 build where we are changing the version number in order to allow the fast number of sites running stable 3.4 builds to update to the official release version.
Full Change Log
- New: Ability to process coordinates for a specific listings by pressing the map icon.
- New: Support for geo Latitude and Longitude supplied in extra fields by some providers.
- New: Add price display yes to data feeds when not provided as this is the default.
- New: curl in feedsync updater.
- New: Log empty files to logging system.
- New: Added http library to handle remote requests.
- New: Replace cURL with http requests.
- New: Convert first date as per modified time and implement better timezone conversions.
- New: Database structure created replacing EZ SQL.
- New: Database upgraded to utc8.
- New: Pagination library replaced.
- New: Debug constant added, use define(‘FEEDSYNC_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, true ); in the config.php file to enable it.
- New: Display system wide notice in footer, if required PHP modules are not loaded.
- Tweak: File permissions changed to be more consistent across different servers.
- Tweak: On clean install, logging enabled by default and log records increased to 1,000 entries.
- Tweak: On clean install, Access key set to enabled by default.
- Tweak: Session path variable made independent of SITE_URL constant.
- Tweak: Improvements to creating a unique ID for each listing.
- Fix: Reconfigured server and browser sessions to better allow upgrade process to not log the user out.
- Fix: Correct file permissions to 644 once updated.
- Fix: Spelling issue in log files.
- Fix: Log files were downloading as .xml now correctly altered to .log files.
- Fix: Server out of memory issue in case of large data set.
- Fix: Login issue fixed when logging to WordPress on same server.
- Fix: Curl error, incomplete curl response, connection closed by server.
- Fix: Suppress notices when licensing server is not responding, preventing unnecessary error log entries.
- Fix: Row counter.
- Fix: Encoding issues of html entities.
- Fix: Logging page missing Footer info when empty.
- Fix: Session overlapping of multiple FeedSync installations on same server.
- Fix: Upgrade bug fix.
- Fix: Footer area added to imported and agents pages.
- Fix: HTML decoding removed for existing xml files. Preventing xml loading error.
- Fix: Jupix Format – Improvements to file splitting process.
- Fix: BLM – Format – Improvements to file splitting process.
- Fix: Added check for empty option objects to prevent unnecessary error messages.
- Fix: Strict UTF-8 data output parsing preventing errors with ASCII supplied data.
Does the plugin update to the new version automatically?
Once you login to FeedSync you will see the orange Update button to update to the latest version. Press the button and follow the prompts.