COMPLETE: Unlink additional features

Easy Property Listings WordPress Real Estate Plugin Forums Feature Requests COMPLETE: Unlink additional features

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  • #6579

    When I add a feature to a listing, it automatically makes them be a link. How do I make them not be links but simply appear in the exact same formatting as the standard features?

    Thanks in advance,

    Merv Barrett

    You can’t at this stage without editing the main plugin.

    I’m moving this topic to feature requests.

    You can contribute on GitHub open source project on GitHub


    Hmmm. Well…I really need it to not be a link. This is for a timeshare site and the features are different for each one, not much standardization, like…”3400 points” as a “feature”. So, it really can’t be linked to page about that because it’s just too specific to that particular listing.

    So…there must be a way to do it…I absolutely can’t have them be links. Can you help please/

    Thanks in advance.

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