Template does not apply to Widget Listing?

Easy Property Listings WordPress Real Estate Plugin Forums Extensions Listing Templates Template does not apply to Widget Listing?

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  • #5516
    Roy Yoo

    Template Add on allows for a nicer look for listings populating under the slug-Property.
    However, if I were to use the Widget-Listing to customize on another page, It does not.

    I would like to create another page called “brokerage”
    Add a slider and have the listings populate underneath the slider and some verbiage.

    How can I make that happen?
    I thought I can use the Widget-Listing, but does not look nice.
    Please advise. Thank you

    Merv Barrett

    You can use the [listing post_type=”property”] shortcode.

    Create a page called “Brokerage” and insert the above shortcode into the page.

    This will use your selected template also for a consistent display.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Merv Barrett.

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