Setting page title in X theme

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  • #14005

    Hey Merv,

    Thanks for the incredible support!

    If you don’t mind, take a look at your X theme demo page:

    You’ll notice that the page displays no title. It usually appears in the same section that the breadcrumbs are displaying. You’ll also notice the breadcrumb simply says Archive, instead of Property. I’m curious if you can direct me in how to fix those two things?

    Thanks again!

    Merv Barrett

    This can be re-added to your archive-listing.php file. Here is the original on github.

    That file has a loop header which outputs the title.

    <div class="loop-header">
    	<h4 class="loop-title">
    			if ( is_tax() && function_exists( 'epl_is_search' ) && false == epl_is_search() ) { // Tag Archive
    				$term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) );
    				$title = sprintf( __( 'Property in %s', 'epl' ), $term->name );
    			else if ( function_exists( 'epl_is_search' ) && epl_is_search() ) { // Search Result
    				$title = __( 'Search Result', 'epl' );
    			else if ( function_exists( 'is_post_type_archive' ) && is_post_type_archive() && function_exists( 'post_type_archive_title' ) ) { // Post Type Archive
    				$title = post_type_archive_title( '', false );
    			else { // Default catchall just in case
    				$title = __( 'Listing', 'epl' );
    			if ( is_paged() )
    				printf( '%s &ndash; Page %d', $title, get_query_var( 'paged' ) );
    				echo $title;

    Super helpful, thank you!

    If I may ask further, how do I cause it to display my customized page titles, rather than the default? For instance, you suggested I repurpose Rural to Farms in this post, which worked great for my needs, but now that I’m trying to display the page title, it’s displaying Rural.

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks again, Merv.

    Merv Barrett

    You’ll need another filter to modify all the Labels

    function my_rural_labels_filter_callback() {
    	$labels = apply_filters( 'epl_rural_labels', array(
    		'name'			=>	__('Farm', 'epl'),
    		'singular_name'		=>	__('Farm', 'epl'),
    		'menu_name'		=>	__('Farm', 'epl'),
    		'add_new'		=>	__('Add New', 'epl'),
    		'add_new_item'		=>	__('Add New Farm Listing', 'epl'),
    		'edit_item'		=>	__('Edit Farm Listing', 'epl'),
    		'new_item'		=>	__('New Farm Listing', 'epl'),
    		'update_item'		=>	__('Update Farm Listing', 'epl'),
    		'all_items'		=>	__('All Farm Listings', 'epl'),
    		'view_item'		=>	__('View Farm Listing', 'epl'),
    		'search_items'		=>	__('Search Farm Listing', 'epl'),
    		'not_found'		=>	__('Farm Listing Not Found', 'epl'),
    		'not_found_in_trash'	=>	__('Farm Listing Not Found in Trash', 'epl'),
    		'parent_item_colon'	=>	__('Parent Farm Listing:', 'epl')
    	) );
    	return $labels;
    add_filter( 'epl_rural_labels' , 'my_rural_labels_filter_callback' );

    Hey Merv,

    Thanks for the incredible support. Strangely, when I added that to my functions.php, I started getting a 500 Internal Server Error on the site. When I’d refresh the page, sometimes it would instead show a ‘Fatal Error: memory exhausted….’ message. I went and increased the PHP memory limit to 256MB in wp-config.php (as well as adding the code ‘set_time_limit(420);’), as well as creating a .user.ini file with the code ‘max_input_vars=5000’. I then waited a day to allow the changes to take place in the server. Now the Fatal Error no longer shows up, but I consistently only see the 500 error. Do you have any thoughts?

    Merv Barrett

    Sorry for not getting back to you but we corrected the issue in Easy Property Listings 2.2.1 maintenance release.


    No worries at all! Thanks for the help you do provide.

    Unfortunately, even running EPL 2.2.4, I’m still having the 500 error. 🙁

    Merv Barrett

    What is your site URL?


    Thanks for taking a look! Right now I have the code turned off, however, as turning it on would only make the 500 error appear.

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