Featured Image thumbnail size – [listing]

Easy Property Listings WordPress Real Estate Plugin Forums Basic Support Featured Image thumbnail size – [listing]

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  • #16865

    Hi there,

    I would like to ask your help regarding the featured image sizes.

    I’m using a [listing] shortcode to show all of my property listing in one page. What I want is that I wanted to resize the thumbnail from 300×200 to a much more bigger size, is that possible?

    It seems that it only allows the size of 300×200 for the featured image. I uploaded a bigger size and it resized the image to only 300×200 and the url of the image is (/my-image-300×200.jpg/).

    Screenshot: http://screencast.com/t/Jp70SgM8sJg

    I hope you can help me with this matter.

    Thanks in advance!


    Merv Barrett

    Hi Klarence, there is a filter in Easy Property Listings to adjust the sizes. Once done you will need to modify the CSS to suit your new image sizes.

    Here is how to modify the fixed crop image size for your listings using the epl_image_sizes filter

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