Suburbs not showing in property search.

Easy Property Listings WordPress Real Estate Plugin Forums Basic Support Suburbs not showing in property search.

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  • #12091
    Gorodn Jablonski

    site is

    The client is asking me why the suburbs are not showing correctly in the search bar. I cannot see a reason at first glance. Can you assist me please?

    I think you aoready have admin login info

    Gordon J

    Merv Barrett

    Looks like Agent Press Listings disabled the location taxonomy. I disabled that and the suburb taxonomy appears correctly. I’ve re-enabled it but that is causing the issue

    Gorodn Jablonski

    Thanks Merv. Is agent Press Listings now required for this site or can EPL take over the role completely?

    Gorodn Jablonski

    Hi again,

    I have finally managed to sort out my backup issues on this site and have completed a backup. I then checked the suburbs and they were not showing in the search for properties.

    I then deactivated the Agent Press Listings Plug In and still cannot see the suburbs in the search list for properties.

    So sorry, but I am still confused.

    Merv Barrett

    What was happening is that the agent press plugin disabled the suburb taxonomy. One you deactivated agent press the suburb taxonomy re-appeared.

    However the listings that were imported were missing the suburb due to the other plugin.

    You will need to re-import the property import jobs but set the job to update the taxonomies.

    Gorodn Jablonski

    Thanks Mate…

    Gorodn Jablonski

    So i understand…does this mean just importing the XML file again? with the Agents Listing plugin off for now?

    Merv Barrett

    That is correct, you will have to do this for each import job.

    Dashboard > All Import > Manage Import > {JOB} > Import Settings

    Then tick Update existing posts with changed data in your file and set the settings like the attached image. Once imported uptick the Update Setting. Repeat for each import job you have configured.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Gorodn Jablonski

    OK…this is new territory for me…wish me luck

    Gorodn Jablonski
    Gorodn Jablonski

    OK…i ran the four import files as you suggested. I do now seem to have suburbs in all categories but I still have the problem where trying to search by suburb brings no results.

    So two questions.
    1. Is this a fault of the theme/search section either not working with EPL or just failing?…and
    2. If I was to change themes will EPL handle of the necessary work. i.e. does it have its own search capabillity to replace the theme version.

    This theme and EPL have always seemed to not work right despite your best efforts. is this an issue for this theme and EPL or are they working everywhere else?

    I am seriously considering changing the theme but I need to know more about EPL:
    Does EPL need any additional real estate themes/plugins to work or is it now standalone on any theme?
    Is there a theme or setup you particularly recommend?

    Is there any other advice you can give me here so I can finally get this project completed and a happy customer.

    Please let me know as soon as you can.

    Cheer’s Merv,

    Gordon J

    Gorodn Jablonski

    hi Again,

    As you know we have been having issues with backing up the files using backupbuddy. I have been in touch with their support and they have advised me that the following files are where their plugin is having problems. Can you tell me if the files wpallimport as noted in this report are the files that are importing the data for EPL. I will at this point attempt to exclude them from the back up process but would appreciate your confirmation of this

    Dustin Akers (iThemes Support)
    Jun 4, 10:07
    Hi Gordon,
    13:17:53.70 781.86sec 35.76MB Zip process reported: WARNING: (file unreadable or does not exist): zip warning: could not open for reading: wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/uploads/8d0d2ea71acd2388b74d60221041ac58/
    13:17:53.70 781.86sec 35.76MB Zip process reported: WARNING: (file unreadable or does not exist): zip warning: could not open for reading: wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/uploads/8d0d2ea71acd2388b74d60221041ac58/index.php
    13:17:53.70 781.86sec 35.76MB Zip process reported: WARNING: (file unreadable or does not exist): zip warning: could not open for reading: wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/uploads/8d0d2ea71acd2388b74d60221041ac58/1433384162.xml
    13:17:53.70 781.86sec 35.76MB Zip process reported: WARNING: (file unreadable or does not exist): zip warning: could not open for reading: wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/logs/d79c8788088c2193f0244d8f1f36d2db/
    13:17:53.70 781.86sec 35.76MB Zip process reported: WARNING: (file unreadable or does not exist): zip warning: could not open for reading: wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/logs/d79c8788088c2193f0244d8f1f36d2db/7777.html
    13:17:53.70 781.87sec 35.76MB Zip process reported: WARNING: (file unreadable or does not exist): zip warning: could not open for reading: wp-content/uploads/wpallimport/logs/d79c8788088c2193f0244d8f1f36d2db/index.php
    Here’s the files that it got caught on, do you know what they are? If don’t need them you could try excluding them from BackupBuddy’s Settings page in the exclusions section, or maybe if don’t need them could remove them. If not sure what they are or where they came from can you check with the host to see if they made them or need them.

    Gorodn Jablonski

    Just so you know I have just purchased 45 days of priority support. I am afraid I do not understand how to fix this and need your help. Simply the suburb search is not yielding results although the suburbs are listed eve though I completed the re-import as per your instructions.

    Merv Barrett

    Yes try excluding the logs directory. They are the wp all import logs. Currently correcting the imports for you too.


    Merv Barrett

    Also Gordon, each real estate agent in the feed needs a user account first-last as the name as that is what is used to record match the agents when importing. A lot of listings are assigned to webmaster . i.e. you.

    Please create a Dashboard > Users user profile for each agent and set them as author. Also is you install the plugin Easy Fancy Box when a user clicks a small image in the gallery a nice lightbox will pop out.

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