Search Results for '{uniqueID[1]}'

Easy Property Listings WordPress Real Estate Plugin Forums Search Search Results for '{uniqueID[1]}'

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  • #16837

    In reply to: repeat listings

    Merv Barrett

    Your Unique Identifier should be


    You can edit and re-process your import.

    Then you can turn off Update existing posts with changed data in your file for 50x faster updates

    Best REAXML WP All Import Pro Import Settings

    Merv Barrett

    Changing FeedSync will not fix the issue. It’s WP All Import that needs the change made. Or it will just delete missing entries.

    We’re using {uniqueID[1]} without the modtime as the unique record as that’s what’s truly unique and we didn’t want to create a new record every time an update happened. Perhaps I need to rethink that?
    —- Totally re-think this for speed and minimal server usage. Listings change but the bulk do not. Also because if run hourly only a few are updated per hour so server usage in minimised.

    Just using {uniqueID[1]} is a total server killer and performance drain.

    Merv Barrett

    I would avoid changing the URL too much as you may end up in re-write hell and infinite loop. The address + id is a consistent URL that will not change which is important for sharing etc.

    No problem using

    ID+FULL_ADDRESS (best for SEO)

    But you can adjust the title at import in WP All Import.

    Our scripts provide the following

    [epl_feedsync_format_sub_number({address[1]/subNumber[1]})]{address[1]/streetNumber[1]} {address[1]/street[1]}, {address[1]/suburb[1]} {address[1]/state[1]} {address[1]/postcode[1]}

    You can adjust as needed.


    {uniqueID[1]}-[epl_feedsync_format_sub_number({address[1]/subNumber[1]})]{address[1]/streetNumber[1]} {address[1]/street[1]}, {address[1]/suburb[1]} {address[1]/state[1]} {address[1]/postcode[1]}

    Quader Syed

    Is it the images that cause the biggest issue – I found with some side by side testing that I had to turn on the facility to fetch the images each time as sometimes there are new images or the order changes.

    Alternatively trying to process just recored where the modtime is today’s date.Do you know if something like the following (attached) would work or if the syntax is correct?

    Could a similar concept be tried for the image loop to only process if modtime is today?[FOREACH({images/img})]{@url},[ENDFOREACH]

    We’re using {uniqueID[1]} without the modtime as the unique record as that’s what’s truly unique and we didn’t want to create a new record every time an update happened. Perhaps I need to rethink that?

    I’m still trying to get a change made to FeedSync to allow something like the following – Will contribute back if we get it to work

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Merv Barrett

    Unfortunately there is no way to compare mod-time and why we recommend using both fields {uniqueID[1]}{./@modTime} as a unique identifier. Then it only imports updated records and you can set WP All Import to not update and delete missing records.

    Until we complete Listing Sync this is the best was to configure WP All Import Pro

    Quader Syed

    I’m confused about {uniqueID[1]}{./@modTime}

    In one place it’s recommended to change to just {uniqueID[1]} and in other places to use the original.

    Also is there a way to tell Allimport that the modtime hasn’t changed since last time so no need to look for changes in that part of the file? We’re testing and still laking 5 mins plus to run incremental updates even when there’s no change in modTime



    I am using WP All Import and Feedsync to import reaxml files into EPL. I have set the unique identifier for the import as {uniqueID[1]}{./@modTime}, however instead of updating existing properties when the import is processed, it creates new posts for the same properties. So they’re doubling, tripling up.

    I’m not quite sure what’s going wrong?

    Here’s a link to feedsync on the server:

    Merv Barrett

    The current scripts work just fine but need you to tweak how you perform the import.

    Will be releasing the next version of the plugin with new scripts after christmas as am away on break.

    You can use the current template as explained below with WP All Import Por version 4.0+

    1. Import the scripts from the settings page.
    2. Create a new import.
    3. Select Download from URL.
    4. Enter the URL to the REAXML file and press Download.
    5. Under New Items > Create new select the listing type eg Properties/Rentals/Land etc.
    6. Continue to Step 2.
    7. In the box to the left What element are you looking for? find residential.
    or… as the bottom press Add Filtering Options. and in the XPath field type /residential.
    8. Continue to Step 3.
    9. At the bottom Load the template EPL – Property (residential). This will be missing the Title and description.
    10. Insert in the title: {address[1]/streetNumber[1]} {address[1]/street[1]}, {address[1]/suburb[1]} {address[1]/state[1]} {address[1]/postcode[1]
    11. Insert in the description: {description[1]}
    12. Open the advanced options and tick Keep line breaks from file.
    13. Click the Images tab and copy the list of image nodes.
    14. Press the radio option Download image(s) hosted elsewhere and paste the image nodes in that new box.
    15. Check the node format from your XML file preview. Sometimes is: {images[1]/img[1]/@url}, or {objects[1]/img[1]/@url}, or {objects[1]/img[1]/@file}
    16. Open the Taxonomies, Categories, Tags box.
    17. Click Suburb and Each Property has just one Suburb and insert {address[1]/suburb[1]} in the box.
    18. Click Features and Each Property has multiple Features and insert {features[1]/otherFeatures[1]}
    19. Tick at the bottom Save settings as a template and give it a name.
    19. Continue to Step 4.
    20. Add {uniqueID[1]}{./@modTime} to the Unique Identifier field.
    21. Open the Configure Advanced Settings and reduce the In each iteration, process to 10. (Each listing can have upto 26 images in REAXML and your server may timeout).
    22. Press Continue.
    23. Press Confirm and Run Import.

    24. Repeat the process for Rentals/Land using the other templates. Land uses the Property template.

    Export the templates you saved, zip them up and post them here for future reference.

    Merv Barrett

    Your answer lies here {uniqueID[1]}{./@modTime}

    Every single entry is unique with the above two fields being used and you will end up with duplicates becasue the {./@modTime} is unique for every single entry.

    If you want to perform updates then you need to remove the {./@modTime} from the record matching and then you can update the entries without producting duplicates.

    Trimson Partners

    Good morning Merv,

    We’re witnessing some strange behaviour when re-running the imports. We’re finding that a whole lot of our listings, rather than being updated, are being duplicated, with the old listing being made into a draft.

    Our automatic record matching is always set to:

    We have got the import set to ‘set to draft’ rather than deletion, but surely that shouldn’t be happening to listings that already exist – they should just be updated?

    Have you heard of this happening to others?


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