Thumbnail Pic Lost / Missing

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  • #9390
    Trevor Branton


    I have no thumbnail image showing on my archive page or on the Single Listing page (main image is visible)… but they are available to see as a fancy box

    Any suggestions?

    Merv Barrett

    This is due to your theme removing the thumbnail feature when they registered thumbnails for post types. Which theme are you using?

    Trevor Branton

    Hi Merv

    Its in the Hueman theme.

    (I have moved the site from one server (and domain) to another also – this might have upset something)

    The images are visible on click, but its ONLY the thumbs that are not.


    Merv Barrett

    Check the plugin settings to see if the automatic gallery option is enabled

    Trevor Branton


    Turns out it was a database error.

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