Single Property Page: Remove Everything Below Map

Easy Property Listings WordPress Real Estate Plugin Forums Basic Support Single Property Page: Remove Everything Below Map

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    I was trying to figure out how to do this as most of the files I see referenced in the tutorial are not part of my new theme.

    The developed of the previous theme I was working with did not want to correct the CSS so I found the perfect theme for my clients business as a result. Before I populate everything, I want to get things running smoothly.

    I am using the Frontier theme now and I was wondering if I can remove everything below the map and what it involved.

    You can see the theme/page here:


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Rick5150.

    I should mention that the specific items I want to delete below the map are:

    • leave a reply
    • pages
    • archives
    • categories

    I just noticed that that pages, archives and categories show at the bottom of the search results as well, and if possible I would like to know which file needs to be modified to fix this, or whether it will be taken care of with the initial edit.

    Merv Barrett

    Thoes are WordPress widgets and not added by Easy Property Listings


    Thank you. Still, I do not understand why it is only showing on Easy Property Listing pages and nowhere else. I have tried all the other options for page templates and this does not show anywhere else. It is driving me crazy!

    Merv Barrett

    inside the template and your theme is a function called get_sidebar, comment it out and that should remove the sidebar. Every theme works differently.


    By the way, I asked here because I received this response from the developer of the theme.

    The widgets and the layout of your particular page doesn’t seem to be produced by the theme. I suspect they came from a plugin that you are using. You’d have better luck asking the plugin author on how to disable those widgets.

    As for the “Leave a Reply”, that means that the particular post (looks like a custom post from a plugin) accepts comments which can easily be disabled.

    Note: For normal widgets, you can always use Widget Logic to control where the widgets will appear.

    I am not sure where to find the files needed to do this, but I will look around more later. Thank you.


    This is driving me nuts.

    The problem is that I use the sidebar successfully on every other page to show a specific widget, so I do not want to comment the sidebar out.

    Every other page on the site shows only one widget in the sidebar – the one I added. This single widget shows on every other page on the site and there is nothing else. It is only the property page and search page that show the extra ‘widgets’ but they are not showing in the widget editing page. The Easy Property Listing pages do not show the widget that I added that show on the other pages either.

    Yet when I go to another theme, it is not there. So logic states that would indicate that it was a function of the theme and not the plugin.

    On the other hand, the theme developer feels that since it only shows on the two real estate pages, it is a plugin issue, which may also make sense.

    The archive page is fine because it is short code on a page I made called “RENTALS” with the default template chosen.

    Once you click a property though, I don’t know where everything comes from. It directs to a page that shows in the browser navigation as “RENTAL” and I have no idea where to look for that.

    These pages from has only the “search” field in the side bar, and the actual sidebar widget that I chose for the other pages does not show.

    I was just going to go into the files and copy and rename the single.php file to single-listing.php to see if that worked as it did a great job in other themes for the most part, but of course there is no single.php file in the theme.

    I just noticed this, and I believe it is significant.

    The Frontier theme has the ability to be really flexible. You can have:

    • no sidebar,
    • a right sidebar,
    • a left sidebar,
    • one sidebar on each side,
    • both sidebars on the left,
    • both sidebars on the right,

    It looks like the Easy Real Estate plugin is accessing the left sidebar, because the widgets that show are visible when I enable the left sidebar, which is not in use on my site. There are no widgets associated with the left sidebar in the widget editor.

    Merv Barrett

    Its due to not performing the initial setup of archive-listing.php and single-listing.php files

    Merv Barrett

    Here are the files you need to add to your theme folder.


    Mr. Barrett, that worked perfectly! Thank you.

    I have renamed and edited those files for other themes, but as you saw they are not applicable here. Thank you for once again, going above and beyond…


    Merv Barrett

    Glad it worked for you.

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