Set Width of Property Page

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  • #13600

    Curious if I set the width to the “Property” page, and how I can access that page directly to also change its name to “listings.” I see other users have bought the Listings Template which I plan to do, but it seems some of those users posted the same questions about controlling the width.

    I use full width on some pages and boxed width on others, using the Total WordPress theme. Total provides a lot of control over each individual page, but I seem to loose that control in the edit view of the listings pages.


    Merv Barrett

    Basically the “Listing” title is controlled via the archive-listing.php file in your theme and is how WordPress works. By placing that file in your theme you can do anything you want to it.

    Width is completely theme related and CSS. We have added minimal CSS so the plugin can become a platform for anything you want to create.

    Eg working on this project now and it looks nothing like EPL does as standard.

    The listing templates rely on the archive-listing.php and single-listing.php files. Every theme is written differently, which theme are you using?


    Hi Merv, and thanks for replying! I’m using Total WordPress theme. Here’s my website and a few pages.

    I saw some real-time websites from one of your posts, and this a property page style I’m trying for.



    P.S. I don’t have (a visible) “archive-listing.php” file in my theme editor. The author does has a Custom CSS section that I’ve used before (under direction) whereI added some code to control the width of the menu before it changes into the drop down menu in mobile devices. Perhaps I can change the width of the property page using that feature? Thanks again for all your help – I see how busy you are and your time is appreciated!


    Sorry to be such a pain… I’m thinking I thought of an idea (and you guys are probably thinking “duh?”). But I assume I can simply paste a short code into a brand new page titled “whatever I want” and then I’ll be able to control the page width and how the page looks like, etc. Thanks for bearing with me… I’ve been building websites using strict HTML since 1994, and have been using WP for just over a year now, so it’s been a huge game changer for my brain – all for the better I might add!

    Merv Barrett

    Yes you can also use a shortcode [listing post_type=”property”] other shortcodes here.

    What you need to do to correctly configure your theme is duplicate your current theme archive.php and single.php and rename to archive-listing.php and single-listing.php and make the changes to those files. Best to use FTP to do this.

    We don’t have the Total theme. But if you submit a private link to the full theme via Dropbox or similar then we can create the theme templates for you.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Thanks for the information Merv, and no need to follow up regarding the previous private message and link – I figured it out with your help! I created the files and I got the individual property pages to display in the center of the page as I was wanting to do, and here’s my listings page that I created using a EPL shortcode

    But when I click on the individual property links, I get a nice looking page but I don’t get any thumbnails or additional images. Can I trouble you once more to point me in the direction to customize those pages a little more so they display thumbnails, and so i can remove the title bar at the top of the page as well or, now that I’m thinking about it, do I make those changes and add additional images to directly to the property listings page. I’ll go mess around with it but again, thanks so much! Your time is greatly appreciated!


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by frankbiganski.
    Merv Barrett

    Well done Frank,

    With the single-listing.php file looks like you are missing the EPL template hook. shown below. This particular template is looking for a ‘post’ first which is false. So replace both <?php get_template_part( 'single-standard' ); ?> and <?php get_template_part( 'single-other' ); ?> with <?php do_action( 'epl_property_single' ); ?>

    Then you can control the gallery images and other settings from Dashboard > Easy Property Listings > Settings

    get_header(); ?>
        // Standard post template file
        if ( is_singular( 'post' ) ) : ?>
           <?php do_action( 'epl_property_single' ); ?>
         * Third party post type template file
         * You can create a file called single-post_type.php in your child theme and it will use that instead
        else : ?>
           <?php do_action( 'epl_property_single' ); ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Hi Merv,

    I’ve been messing around with the single-listing.php file. I like the way my listing page looks, as I am using a short code pasted into my own page. But unfortunately, the property details pages was full width from left to right with no border. I know it uses my web page settings, but some of my pages are full width and some are boxed (Total WordPress Theme). It looked bad with no border.

    So I started experimenting and where you mentioned to replace both instances in the single-listing.php file?, instead of replacing the second <?php get_template_part( ‘single-other’ ); ?> with <?php do_action( ‘epl_property_single’ ); ?>, I left it as <?php get_template_part( ‘single-standard’ ); ?> and began changing the “single_other” to “single-standard” (yes, I used a dash and not underscore).

    I’m not a coder, but do you have a list of what I can do to the code to customize this property details page better, or would it be easier if I just got your Listing templates plugin.


    Merv Barrett

    Hi Frank,

    Here are the templates for the Total theme.

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