Listing Alerts

Listing Alerts for your real estate website. Users can subscribe to email alerts send by email. Supports all listing types, price ranges and search criteria. You can use your custom HTML email templates to quickly create effective email marketing campaigns.

The subscription box is automatically inserted into your listings encouraging your visitors to subscribe which helps you build your email database.

Listing Alerts Demo

User Logged Out: Subscribe to email Listing Alerts

You can customise this message from the Listing Alerts settings. This is best used to tell the visitor all the benefits they get by subscribing to your email alerts. Users who are not logged in will see this message.

User Logged Out: Subscribe to email Listing Alerts

User Logged In: Update Listing Alerts details

This is best used to let the user know that they can update their email alert subscription details when they are logged into your site.

User Logged In: Update Listing Alerts details

After pressing continue the form details are displayed

Listing Alerts - Open Subscribe Box

Unsubscribe Shortcode

In order to comply with the CAN-SPAM Act with your email listing alerts you need to allow the subscriber to unsubscribe from your email alerts. You do this by creating a page on your site and add the following shortcode. Then just link to this page in your custom email template. You can see this in action here.


Download Easy Property Listings

Easy Property Listings is real estate plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create real estate and property listing websites. It provides a range of features designed for real estate agents, developers, and agencies to manage property listings without the need for extensive custom development.