FeedSync 2.1 has just been released and has a bunch of new features for you to easily import REAXML files into your WordPress website or custom application. The new features allow you to easily export listing agents, filter by office/agent ID, street, suburb, state, postcode and country. We have made a number of improvements throughout the application for better lat/long coordinates creation and more.
New Listing Export Commands
You can output listings by additional options indicated below.
- ?action=do_output : this is required
- &agent_id=123456 : output listings by office id.
- &date=today : output listings by the current date.
- &street=Smith Street : output listings by street name.
- &suburb=Sydney : output listings by suburb.
- &state=WA : output listings by state.
- &postcode=6000 output listings by postcode.
- &country= output listings by country.
Exporting Agents
You can export all agents present in your database for import.
Upgrading From FeedSync 2.0+
Upgrading FeedSync to 2.1 from 2.0+ is a simple process. Download the latest version of FeedSync from your account. Unzip the file to your computer and all you need to do is replace the /core folder and its contents in your installation of FeedSync on your server.
Once you have upgraded the core files you need to perform a one time Database Upgrade from the Process page which will allow you to filter listings by office id and address values. Once the database is upgraded you can update your agent database with the Process Listing Agents button.
Instructions to upgrade from FeedSync 1.3 or lower can be found here.
Version 2.1, September 10, 2015
- New: Config file has a place to save your providers FTP account details.
- New: Added listing agents processing and export capability which will also extract the listing agent office id, extract first name, last name.
- New: Added listing export filters to enable you to export by office id, street name, suburb, postcode, country.
- New: Output listings by current date.
- New: Timezone for directory imported list.
- New: Process listing agents for upgraders.
- New: Tab to display unique listing agents present in FeedSync database.
- New: Database upgrade button to allow exporting with the new address and office features.
- New: Blank entries are no longer output
- Tweak: Sold and leased listings are red and current are green.
- Tweak: Improved Geocoder fallback for lat long coordinates.
Hello Merv.
Have I bought FeedSynch for http://RyeBayProperty.co.uk ?
Kind regards
Hi Paul, I have looked into this for you and note that you have not purchased Feedsync, only WP All Import and Single Site Support. If you would like to go ahead purchase Feedsync you can do so from the following link. https://easypropertylistings.com.au/extensions/feedsync/ Thank you for your continued support of Easy Property Listings.