Comparable sales so you can show your visitors other listings that have sold in the area. This is also required for websites displaying listings in the state of Victoria, Australia.
Due to recent changes with new Victorian legislation around underquoting will come into play on May 1, 2017. All Victorian residential properties will be impacted where the seller signs the Sales Authority on or after this date. However all listings, including those with a Sales Authority signed before May 1, need to adhere to the law regarding advertising prices, terms and symbols. For full legislation details please contact CAV.
More information can be found here:
This new legislation is referred to as the Statement of Information and can either be provided as a downloadable PDF file or you can enter the comparable listings sales information on your listings.
With this extension you can display your comparable listings on your properties either as a downloadable PDF file or display your comparable listings in a widget or under your listings map.
As with all our extensions minimal styling is applied so that it integrates nicely with your site.
Comparables Extension Screenshots
MyDesktop – Uploading your listings from 1 May 2017
MyDesktop has added a Statement of Information (SOI) creator section within the property listing page, allowing you to quickly enter your comparable listings that are required to make up a Statement of Information.
To see an example of the upload page for the SOI can be found here.
The SOI creator will support both Domain’s listing format, and other portals PDF format requirement. MyDesktop will also work with your website provider on request to ensure that listings uploaded from MyDesktop comply with the legislation.
For developer technical enquiries, please contact our Integration and Feeds team:
Other Providers
Several CRM and data providers are going to just use the PDF file attachment format, this extension has been built to handle both styles. We are certain to see this roll out to other markets in the future.
FeedSync and Importing your listings
In order to handle this Statement of Information you will only need to update your import script to import the comparable data. You can download the updated import script from your FeedSync purchase or from the WP All Import Scripts.