Street View: Address is Approximate error

Easy Property Listings WordPress Real Estate Plugin Forums Extensions Advanced Mapping Street View: Address is Approximate error

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  • #14128
    Kagen Atkinson

    Im getting this error even though if I type in an identical address in Google Maps it takes me directly to the location in street view.,-117.603097,3a,75y,319.3h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siJ6lTAnov4wyenCPJIqtcQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

    Seems like the only difference is your plugin translates the Lat Long, and google doesnt.


    Merv Barrett

    Not sure, I’ve tested the address and seems to work for me as per attached image. Are you pressing the coordinate generation button and updating the listing?

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    Kagen Atkinson

    Yes but now look on the frontend, and go to the street view tab. That is where you will find the error.. Please see attached screen shot

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    Merv Barrett

    Hi Kagen,

    Do you have a URL? Perhaps you have another plugin registering with the Google Maps API and it is preventing the map loading.

    Here is a demo of the address in California you are attempting to locate.

    Kagen Atkinson
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    Merv Barrett

    Thanks Kagen,

    I’ve also noticed a JS error with the map getCenter which we will look into. Thanks for the URL, helps a lot.

    You have a Javascript error in relation to which may be breaking the map scripts.
    Uncaught TypeError: f.className.indexOf is not a function g.observe.childList @ wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=4.2.2:4

    Kagen Atkinson
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Merv Barrett
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