Just Purchased Map. Have a few questions.

Easy Property Listings WordPress Real Estate Plugin Forums Extensions Advanced Mapping Just Purchased Map. Have a few questions.


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    1. I’m having serious issues just navigating the map. When I click on a property, I have to wait a few seconds before I click and drag the screen or else it will immediately take me to that property. It seems like the property card is larger than the container. Not sure if you have experienced this issue or it’s on my end.

    2. Is it possible to make the map responsive? Re-center on coords. Become smaller on mobile devices. Currently on full screen it’s nearly impossible to scroll past the map to the rest of the page. If not, would it be possible to change the height via media queries?

    3. Is it possible to enable zoom up/down using mousewheel? This would be a great addition.

    Thank you for your time.

    Merv Barrett

    Update for the maps is due shortly

    Merv Barrett

    Finally released Advanced Map 2.1 with disable scroll option and a number of other changes.

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