Archive for framework

Why you should ALWAYS use a child theme with WordPress and how to create one

If you have ever made the fatal mistake of not using a child theme with your WordPress website like I have, it can be a very expensive mistake to make and one to avoid at all costs.

Some Theme frameworks or premium themes like iThemes Builder automatically create a child theme for you when activated, but others will need to be manually created, thankfully a few minutes creating one will save you a lot of time down the road.

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Which WordPress theme is best for Easy Property Listings?

The simple answer is any theme that suits your website goals.

However we recommend selecting a theme that does not have real estate specific functionality as the Easy Property Listings plugin for WordPress will take care of that and can sometimes conflict.

All themes can work with Easy Property Listings and work better once the theme setup is completed.

The more complicated answer depends on your end goals, your experience and how serious you are for success with your real estate website online.

For me its like purchasing a branded computer back in the old days where they pre-load it with bloat ware and software that you never use and you end up spending hours uninstalling programs that slow down your computer.

Well the same goes for WordPress themes.

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Download Easy Property Listings

Easy Property Listings is real estate plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create real estate and property listing websites. It provides a range of features designed for real estate agents, developers, and agencies to manage property listings without the need for extensive custom development.