Setting up page templates with X theme

Easy Property Listings WordPress Real Estate Plugin Forums Theme Support Setting up page templates with X theme

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  • #13526

    Hey! I’ve used a combination of several real estate themes and plugins, and EPL seems incredibly full-featured, even compared to plugins that cost a good bit of money. Thanks for the amazing plugin!

    I’m trying to set up the archive-listing.php and single-listing.php pages in the X theme. If you don’t know about X (, it has several different Stacks (basically layouts, or styles, or templates) that you can use to create different looks for the site using just one theme. Because of this complexity, I’m having a hard time understanding where exactly to put the code that helps restore order to the template and keep the sidebar from being pushed down the screen. Any chance you’ve worked with X before? It’s the second-most popular theme on ThemeForest, so it seems like it’d be a great one to have pre-built templates for! If you can point me in the right direction, I’d happily put up a little guide on here when it’s all working for future visitors. I’d be happy to email the theme files for you to take a look at.

    Merv Barrett

    Here are the template files for the X theme

    Never worked with X Theme before,

    Merv Barrett

    Thanks for your comments, we are working on 2.2 which will improve theme compatibility and have been for a few months on this feature. Also making many other changes and upgrades to the extensions too.


    Thanks for those templates, Merv! They were perfect!


    Hey again! I realized the archive pages weren’t paginating! I recommend adding this in the appropriate place in the template files you created for us!

    		<?php pagenavi(); ?>

    Thanks again!

    Merv Barrett

    Added templates which include EPL Pagination

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