Easy Property Listings 2.2 Released

Since the last release we have been working hard on improving Easy Property Listings for your real estate listing website and have just released the Easy Property Listings 2.2. It contains hundreds of improvements, several key new features and will make your real estate website stand out.

Read on to find out about the changes and what is new.

Theme Compatibility Mode

Theme Compatibility Mode - Easy Property Listings

We have been hard at work to improve theme compatibility in Easy Property Listings 2.2 which required a huge amount of new code and adjustments to make this possible. Many users were unable to get listings to display correctly on their WordPress theme without having to dive in and edit code.

When theme compatibility mode is enabled your WordPress theme will look fantastic and you will be able to use the most advanced real estate platform to power your real estate business.

This required the creation of additional templates specifically for theme compatibility mode. Once you enable theme compatibility mode you may get a double up of your featured images as some themes automatically add images and we have added settings where you can either disable the theme images or the plugin.

We have tested Easy Property Listings with hundreds of WordPress themes and it works great!

Powerful Search Remastered

Remastered Listing and Property Search - Easy Property Listings

We totally rebuilt the search capabilities of Easy Property Listings and added additional search fields for you to use on your real estate website. We have enabled an additional customisable City field and this is great for use in many countries that need an additional location field on their listings.

For power users you now can add any number of custom search fields to the search widget using the new filters and hooks. Along with the search improvements we have improved the widget display and improved the responsive display.

Additional Search Improvements.

  • Multiple house category select.
  • Search by city, state/province, postcode/zip and Country.
  • Search by anything, add your own search fields in minutes.

Developer Features

We have taken the time to add many additional filters and hooks which will open the door for a whole lot more cool features and real estate tools.

Many under the hood improvements have been made to increase the extendibility of Easy Property Listings and allow for the creation of additional extensions and features.

Custom Templates

Easy Property Listings 2.2 introduces a custom template system allowing you to create any number of templates and use them in shortcodes and widgets allowing you and theme developers to create an unlimited number of templates and load them from your theme.

Additional Updates

Sold Price Display

With Easy Property Listings 2.2 you can now display your sold prices and show off your real estate success to your visitors.

Adjustable Image Sizes

Edit the image sizes and add more using the new filter allowing for endless possibilities with your WordPress theme.

Sort by Current, Sold and Leased

Sorting your listings by status is now possible and we have added additional filters to allow you to sort your listings by anything.

Listing Widget

Listing widget now allows for the creation of additional templates that your can select and create your own custom look.

Meta Fields

We have added additional fields to better support other countries and improve on the widely used REAXML format.

Future Extensions

We have added a number of new features for the creation of more advanced real estate tools and have big plans for the future.

Updated Extensions

Along with the release of Easy Property Listings are a number of improvements to the extensions that help you make your real estate website even better and they will be released alongside Easy Property Listings 2.2.

More Filters Added

Dozens of new filters have been added allowing you to customise every aspect of Easy Property Listings quickly and easily.

Loading speed improvements

Changes to only load scripts and CSS when they are needed. Many other optimisations to the code to reduce load times. Dashboard widget loads much faster.

Full Change Log of Easy Property Listings Version 2.2

  • New: Search shortcode and widget rebuilt to enable adding additional fields through filters and hooks.
  • New: Search shortcode and widget added additional search fields for City, State, Postcode and Country.
  • New: Search shortcode and widget allows for optional multi select of house category.
  • New: Search shortcode and widget improved responsive CSS.
  • New: Grid styles included in main CSS for use in extensions.
  • New: Upload button added for use in custom plug-ins and extensions to upload files.
  • New: Filter to adjust tour labels.
  • New: Filters to adjust Floor Plan labels.
  • New: Filters to adjust External Link labels.
  • New: Sold prices now display when set on front end and manage listings pages.
  • New: Label function for returning meta labels.
  • New: Ads on settings no longer display when there is an activated extension present.
  • New: Locked and help cases options for use in extensions and custom plugins.
  • New: Theme compatibility mode which enables all themes to display correctly with options to disable featured images for themes that automatically add featured images.
  • New: City setting to allow addresses in countries that need more than a suburb Label is customisable from settings.
  • New: Country setting to allow the country to display with the listing address.
  • New: Able to adjust or add more registered thumbnail sizes through a filter.
  • New: Function to get all the values associated with a specific post meta key.
  • New: Replaced the_post_thumbnail on archive pages and shortcodes with a customisable hook allowing for additional customisation with themes.
  • New: Specific templates for theme compatibility mode for archive and single listings.
  • New: Template loading system allowing for additional templates to be added to shortcodes and widgets from themes, custom plug-ins and extensions. This allows you to create an unlimited number of templates and load them from your theme.
  • New: Sorter allows for sorting by current/sold leased.
  • New: Ability to add additional sorter via filter.
  • New: Post counter function for use in extensions and custom plug-ins.
  • New: User fields re-built which allows for adding on new fields through filter.
  • New: Help meta type allowing for better internal documentation in extensions.
  • New: City meta field added to all listing types when enabled.
  • New: Rental display or hide rental price.
  • New: Check-box single field type.
  • New: Actions added to enable extensions to better hook into listings types and optimised functions for admin column details.
  • New: Dashboard widget now displays other extensions content counts.
  • New: Listing widget now allows for additional selectable templates to be added through custom plug-ins, hooks and themes.
  • New: Replaced widget image with a dynamic action.
  • New: Filter added for Gravatar image.
  • New: Replaced widget and author box image functions with actions.
  • New: Uninstall function to remove all Easy Property Listings content.
  • New: Get option function.
  • New: When saving settings on extensions sub tabs you are no longer taken to the first tab.
  • New: Customisable state label.
  • Tweak: Improved under offer, sold and leased labels.
  • Tweak: Improved install function to reduce code and allow for new settings to be added.
  • Tweak: Removed redundant code and streamlined templates.
  • Tweak: Improved reset query function.
  • Tweak: Removed old functions improving plugin code.
  • Tweak: Rebuilt address function to allow for city and country.
  • Tweak: Improved sorter function in all shortcodes.
  • Tweak: Improvements to Commercial and Business listing types to better comply with REAXML format with business takings, franchise, terms and commercial outgoings.
  • Tweak: Reorganised settings page.
  • Tweak: Translations updated and additional tags added.
  • Tweak: Search button default label changed from “Find Me A Property!” to “Search”.
  • Tweak: Applied custom suburb label to EPL – Listing Widget.
  • Fix: Listings house categories correctly display labels instead of values.
  • Fix: Listings with carport, garage or values set to zero no longer display.
  • Fix: Shortcode compatibility for WordPress 3.3 thanks to codewp.
  • Fix: Saving listing when in debug mode and ticking hide map or hide author box.
  • Fix: New Zealand currency now displays a dollar sign.


  1. G’day Merv, great plugin and massive update. I know you’ve only just released this update but any chance on getting a bit of documentation on the new template loading system in the near-distant future? Cheers, Jamie.

  2. Hi Merv

    You mentioned in the email pre 2.2 “We have also been working on a number of new extensions such as a slider,”

    Any update on the Slider or documentation on how to integrate your suggested http://soliloquywp.com/ or any of the responsive touch enabled sliders https://www.metaslider.com

    I’ve been looking for the detail but can’t find as yet.

    Ultimately it’d be great to keep the slider out of the custom templates to allow theme switches.

    Ideally the style/type of sliders used by your examples

    Although I see they’re using sliders


    • Hi Ben, working on a slider for Easy Property Listings and am just about complete with it. Just making sure it works in all cases for use. Give us a few more days to get it finalised for release.

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Download Easy Property Listings

Easy Property Listings is real estate plugin for WordPress that allows users to easily create real estate and property listing websites. It provides a range of features designed for real estate agents, developers, and agencies to manage property listings without the need for extensive custom development.